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Magento / Nginx / Varnish - Problems with some store

Magento / Nginx / Varnish - Problems with some store


I have a magento installation, with multiple stores around 40 stores.
I have varnish setup and its working.
But for some reason yesterday, a problems have started showing up.

That 3 store is gettting this error:
An error has happened during application run. See exception log for details.

But nothing in the exception.log in pub/var/log/exception.log about this store.

I have then changed so that these tree shops are running without the proxy varnish setup, and now there are working.

So for some reason varnish, have an issue with just these 3 stores.
It have work before yesterday, just fine.

But no matter in whitch log file i look into, i can't see why varnish is showing that error message, when just access these 3 stores.

Have anyone any idea where to start looking for this?

Regards Kdalbjerg


Re: Magento / Nginx / Varnish - Problems with some store

The issue you're facing with Varnish impacting only specific stores in your Magento setup could stem from a variety of reasons:

1. Varnish Configuration: Review the Varnish configuration to ensure it accommodates the unique requirements of these three stores. There might be differences in caching rules or configurations specific to these stores that Varnish is struggling to process.

2. Magento Store Configuration: Check the configurations of these three stores within Magento. Verify if there are any recent changes or specific settings that might conflict with the Varnish caching mechanism.

3. Cache Invalidation: Sometimes, issues arise when cache invalidation isn't functioning correctly. Verify if there are inconsistencies in cache clearing or if certain sections of these stores are not being invalidated properly in the Varnish cache.

4. Server-Side Issues: Review server logs beyond Magento's logs. Check system logs, Varnish logs (if available), and server-level logs to identify potential errors or warnings related to these three stores.

To address this issue:

- Double-check the Varnish configuration specific to these stores.
- Validate the Magento configurations and cache management for these stores.
- Review recent changes made to the system, including extensions or customizations.
- Investigate server logs for any clues related to these specific store issues.

Avid learner and technical marketer at

Re: Magento / Nginx / Varnish - Problems with some store

Thanks for you reply.

 Cache Invalidation

We have try to restart the server, and Varnish service, it should clear the cache. Could we do anything else?

I have check all logs that i could find.

In Nginx access log, i can see the request, and i varnish live log, i can see the traffic, but Magento, do not log anything in exception.log file. I have try restart Varnish, and then go to the site, it will take longer to load, just after the reboot, but still no logs in magento. We have in past more Store's in Magento, and i can see that someone is requesting the old store for time to time (maybe google bot or something like that). So exception.log is logging. Just not for the store that have these problems.

Re: Magento / Nginx / Varnish - Problems with some store

To troubleshoot the issue with the specific stores, check Magento and Nginx logs for errors, review Varnish configuration, and ensure server resources are adequate. Reindexing and clearing cache in Magento might also help resolve the problem.

To troubleshoot the issue with the specific stores, check Magento and Nginx logs for errors, review Varnish configuration, and ensure server resources are adequate. Reindexing and clearing cache in Magento might also help resolve the problem. I recently discovered which has an extensive guide on classification essays. It offers insightful analysis of different essay forms, with a special emphasis on classification essays. The resource provides clarity and guidance for individuals navigating the complexities of this writing style by covering important aspects. This guide is an informative tool for anyone who is looking for help as a student or wants to improve as a writer. It's a good read for anyone who wants to become an expert at writing classification essays because of the thorough explanations and examples.