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Magento and CIFS mount

Magento and CIFS mount

First... yes there is a reason it's a CIFS mount. Attempting to make the magento app dir shared across servers and trying to use the Azure Storage Service. The only way it exports is CIFS so giving it a shot.


I created my file share in Azure then used this in my /etc/fstab: (cleaned)

// /path_to_magento/magento cifs nofail,vers=3.0,credentials=/smb_cred_path/name.cred,dir_mode=0775,file_mode=0775,serverino,mfsymlinks,uid=<http-user-uid>,gid=<http-user-gid>


Then I create a symlink for magento/var/log/ --> /var/log/magento/log/. chmod/grp to the http user


Two things happen:

1. Magento doesn't write any logs

2. The main page never loads. Just times out.


Am I fighting a loosing battle here with CIFS or am I missing something?


Trying to avoid a single server doing NFS behind the farm since that would be a single point of failure.


Thanks in advance for your ideas!