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Magento compilation error

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Magento compilation error



Im trying to change my magento mode to production but compilation fails. When I run the compilation command this is what I got:

> bin/magento setup:di:compile
Compilation was started.
Interceptors generation... 4/7 [================>-----------]  57% 16 secs 196.0 MiBMiB0.0 MiB
  Plugin class Vendor\Module\Plugin\WysiwygConfig doesn't exist  

Don't understand what's going on. Also I tried to change mode with the --skip-compilation parameter and it works fine but some parts of the page stop working, like the extension 'slider revolution'. 


It seems that nobody has the same error than me. What can I do to solve it?


Thank you very much.



Accepted Solutions

Re: Magento compilation error

Yes do setup upgrade first by running this command : php bin/magento setup:upgrade


and then run above mention command like : php bin/Magento setup:di:compile then cache clean and cache flush.


no if the line you have posted is in this module only - then error is coming from here only !!



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Re: Magento compilation error

Could you give me which file contains this class 


Also Share code of above WysiwygConfig Class file.

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Re: Magento compilation error

Hi, thanks for the reply.


Im not sure but I think the file that is searching is this:


Tell me if I'm wrong and where I should search it.


I didn't change this file at all so I don't know if you really want the code.


Re: Magento compilation error

You need to check in your app/code directory.


Where you will find your custom/third party module.


issue coming from there only - so find below line of code : in your app/code directory and post here which file contains this code.

class Vendor\Module\Plugin\WysiwygConfig


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Re: Magento compilation error

Hi and thanks again,


This what I found on app/code:

app/code/Talv/WysiwygFix/Plugin/WysiwygConfig.php:5:class WysiwygConfig


namespace Talv\WysiwygFix\Plugin;

class WysiwygConfig
    public function afterGetConfig($subject, \Magento\Framework\DataObject $config)
            'add_directives' => true,

	return $config;

Is that what causes this problem?

Re: Magento compilation error

Yes error is coming from this module only - app/code/Talv/WysiwygFix


So as of now disable this module by running below command :


php bin/magento module:disable Talv_WysiwygFix


You can also disable this module from app/etc/config.php by making this module value is - from 1 to 0(zero)


then after run below commands : 


php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush

It will works !!

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Re: Magento compilation error



I disabled it but when I execute the compile command it stills fails with the same error. I cleaned the cache and give it the permission but still got the same error.


Maybe I have to do an upgrade first? or the problem is caused by another module?


Thank you for your support.

Re: Magento compilation error

Yes do setup upgrade first by running this command : php bin/magento setup:upgrade


and then run above mention command like : php bin/Magento setup:di:compile then cache clean and cache flush.


no if the line you have posted is in this module only - then error is coming from here only !!



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Re: Magento compilation error



Sorry I was just not seeing that our custom plugin had a call to that as well...


It works now! Thank you very much!

Re: Magento compilation error

Glad to know that you have resolved your issue , Happy to help and keep helping Smiley Happy


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