After my magento Installation different errors occur:
- the Dashboard in the administration area only appears as a blank page, only the headline and the button "reload data" appear, but with no data at all
- whenever I click on the "catalogue/ products" page, I get the notice: Could not determine temp directory, please specify a cache_dir manually
- in the frontend I can the view the products when I click on the detail view of the article. In the categories the entire grid-view is missing. The space next to the menu is again blank without content
I would be glad if anyone could help.
Looks like the filesystem permissions problem, here is the solution:
I tried that:
find . -type d -exec chmod 770 {} \; && find . -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \; && chmod u+x bin/magento
Same problems...
I checked my frontend.
I get the error:
{"message":"Could not determine temp directory, please specify a cache_dir manually"}
By loading this path:
In the debug log-file I found this:
[2015-12-04 22:14:02] main.DEBUG: cache_invalidate: {"method":"GET","url":/admin/cache/index/key/47c903bc3946e3577f951c17a4e6f58a5a09077737df822f9859d0391284c53a/","invalidateInfo":{"tags":["interception","CONFIG"],"mode":"matchingTag"},"is_exception":false} []