Hi there,
For a while I've been trying to export/import data such as customers,products, categories, orders, etc. from my old Magento 1.7.2 version, to the latest Magento 2 version.
One of the problems was with the clients login. The passwords were not working.
I checked a lot of documentation about data-migration tool on Magento website but I could not understand most things.
Me old magento is on a webserver, while Magento 2 is on a local server (XAMPP).
Do you have any advice? What steps should I take to successfully migrate the data?
Thanks in advance.
Magento doesn't support migrating passwords out of the box. I would recommend requesting customers go through the reset process, otherwise, you can look into this response to someone else considering this on stack overflow: https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/162442/how-to-import-md5-password-to-magento-2
For successfully migration of Magento 1 to Magento 2 store,
First install data migration from below docs,
Next Follow all of the step for migration of data to read below post,
You can keep both database on same server for magento 1 and magento 2.
Basic setting are done inside config.xml file for magento 1 and magento 2.
Now Remove All extra database table from third party extension to be ignored using map.xml file. Remove extra field from table using ignore field in map.xml file.
For your customer password, you just add to below free extension from github link,
if issue solved, Click Kudos/Accept as solutions.
I started the steps you mentioned.
But got stucked here...
Command syntax
Below is a typical command example:
bin/magento migrate:<mode> [-r|--reset] {<path to config.xml>}
The following error appears:
Command Error
Could you check your config.xml line no. 8 or please share your config.xml file.