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Offline Payment Methods down show up as options in Admin Create Order

Offline Payment Methods down show up as options in Admin Create Order

Currently in my Magento 2.4.6 store, only the credit card payment option will show up as an option when I try and place an order for a customer in the admin. I also have Purchase Order enabled as a payment method which shows up fine on the front end but not on the admin side. I'm using the CIM extension from Paradox Labs, Inc for my credit card payments (in case that matters). I even disabled the payment to see if that was conflicting with something but it didn't help. I enabled Cash On Delivery, Check/Money order as well but none of those options will show up either.

Does anyone know why all the offline payment options I have enabled won't show up in the admin order creation page?

I saw a post about checking 

protected $_canUseInternal = true;

 but the module-offline-payments doesn't have that line in the Purchaseorder.php file. I added it to see what happened but it didn't change anything. Just an FYI the Purchase Order payment method I'm using is the built-in one, not anything custom.


I have also tried using the Magento Luma theme (instead of the Porto Theme) but still none of the offline payment options show up.



Re: Offline Payment Methods down show up as options in Admin Create Order

It's probably not this but something I've seen happen: do you maybe have a "Minimum Order Total" set on those payment methods and are adding less than that?

Founder at

Re: Offline Payment Methods down show up as options in Admin Create Order

That is a good thought but no I don't have any minimums order total amounts set.  If I try and create the order in admin, the only payment method that shows is my method.  I also have Paypal, and Purchase Order enabled (Paypal not showing is understandable since I'd need my customers Paypal info in order to use it, so I'm not worried about that one) but Purchase order is pretty crucial to have because we do a lot of wholesale orders where the customers pay when they pick up.  The strange thing is that if I go up and it the Login as Customer link, then place the order through the front-end, all payment methods are there.

So something is just blocking them from showing up in the admin side and I don't know where to look.


Re: Offline Payment Methods down show up as options in Admin Create Order

By default they should appear there, so it has to be related to some of your customisations and/or extensions. Unfortunately without seeing your codebase or logs, I doubt anyone can help you here.


Unfortunately, since you have Porto theme which is terrible, you probably also have lots of terrible modules there.

Founder at

Re: Offline Payment Methods down show up as options in Admin Create Order

Hi, I did find the problem and it is in my Mageants Customer Group Based Shipping and Payments module.  I've contacted them for tech support.  The admin - create order page is reading the methods set for the Not Logged In group (which I don't allow purchase orders for).  Anyway, thanks for your ideas/suggestions.

On another note, why do you say the Porto theme isn't any good?  Do you have a suggestion for a theme that is better?  I actually tried 2 others (Minimog and Stella) before going with Porto.


Re: Offline Payment Methods down show up as options in Admin Create Order

Almost all of those old themes are bloated with unnecessary extensions and bad code, slow and create lots of issues. I've seen hundreds of stores in audits over the years and never saw a good one based on any of those popular old themes.


If you have to use a theme as a base for your design, nowadays some industry standard would be Hyvä Theme.

Founder at

Re: Offline Payment Methods down show up as options in Admin Create Order

Thanks.  I'll take a look at Hyva.  Mageants sent me an updated file and that took care of the issue.