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One step check out issues

One step check out issues

I am using Lotusbreath - One Step Checkout when testing it seems I am not able to enter a  State/Province the fiels does not have a box.I see this when debugging in chrome I see  Uncaught ReferenceError: head is not defined(anonymous function) @ (index):1352regionUpdate @ (index):1392 which refernces a file to the check out page in firefox it says  ReferenceError: head is not defined      but I can't figure out how to fix this issue. Any one who can help will be my hero.



Re: One step check out issues

You should try to contact the extension provider for support, The name you have mentioned does not looks so authentic. I suggest you to buy from recognized Magento extensions providers like FmeExtensions, aheadworks etc. I prefer FmeExtensions as they offer free lifetime support and the extensions comes with open source license,