Trying to upgrade from Magento 2.3.5 to 2.4.1 and according to what I see online on devdocs Magento we are supposed to install the composer update plugin using
composer require magento/composer-root-update-plugin=~1.0 --no-update
However I am getting an error message
Warning from : You are using an outdated version of Composer. Composer 2.0 is about to be released and the older 1.x releases will self-update directly to it once it is released. To avoid surprises update now to the latest 1.x version which will prompt you before self-updating to 2.x.
What should I do? Do I simply ignore this?
Hello @chichitsai0517
This is a general warning of the composer. Once the composer is self-updated, the issue will be resolved.
Run the below command:
composer self-update
composer command needs an update
you can update that by the following command
composer selfupdate