Hello Mates,
Can anyone help me for below issue?
I have migrated from M1 to M2 and then only issue occurs.
In M1, it shows special price as per first screenshot.
Same way, I want in M2 for configurable products.
Hello @Milople
Please refer here for the solution - https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/251627/magento2-how-to-display-only-special-price-of-pro...
I hope it helps.
Hello @Sanjay Jethva
Thank you for the response.
But this is not the thing I am looking for.
I want it for configurable products.
Thanks for the concern. Stay safe!
If you just want to hide the price which is line through, you can hide that div by css if not required.
Just provide the URL of your frontend so someone can give CSS.