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Problem setting shipping information to a guest order through web API

Problem setting shipping information to a guest order through web API



I am developing a webapp that will perform checkout using Magentos web api.

So far I am able to create a guest cart, add items to it, estimate shipping costs, but when I try to apply shipping-information to the order, I keep getting an error.


I post my address information and carrier-code and shipping method code to:


Here is the body I send to this endpoint:

"addressInformation": {
"**bleep**": "0776",
"city": "Oslo",
"email": "",
"firstname": "Jens",
"lastname": "Hansen",
"telephone": "12332122",
"save_in_address_book": 0,
"same_as_billing": 0
}, "shipping_carrier_code": "flatrate", "shipping_method_code": "flatrate"

The carrier code and shipping_method_code are both extracted from the result I get when calling the "estimate shipping costs" API endpoint.

I am not including region, region_id and region_code in my request, because it seems like Norway is not separated into regions.


It responds with a 404 error stating: 

message: "Carrier with such method not found: %1, %2","parameters":[null,null]


I am running magento CE 2.3.0 in a docker container on a macbook pro.


Guest checkouts using flatrate as shipping method works as expected in the magento storefront.


I have been stuck on this problem for a few days, any help would be greatly appreciated. Smiley Happy




Re: Problem setting shipping information to a guest order through web API

In case anyone finds this, the documentation is wrong.

Worked for me using lower camel case for the shipping details.



"shippingCarrierCode": "flatrate", "shippingMethodCode": "flatrate"

The clue was the addressInformation key at the top.


The random mix of camel case & snake case, lazy documentation and woeful error messages really makes you glad you picked magento!