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Replacement of composer command

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Replacement of composer command


       I want to install "Cash On Delivery for Magento 2" extension for my site.

Page Link:

Installation commands are

composer require brandung/cash-on-delivery-fee:^1.0
bin/magento module:enable Brandung_CashOnDeliveryFee
bin/magento setup:upgrade

also, if in production mode:

bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Previously, two times I had performed composer command on my sharing web hosting site, but the process got killed every time. I learned from some sources that composer command requires a lot of memory. In shared web hosting I have limited memory available and I cannot increase it.

Once, I had found an extension which had provided two set of commands (i) with composer (ii) Other commands (without composer)

I just want to know if this replacement of commands is possible in this case also?



Re: Replacement of composer command

You can install module without usong composer from below way,
Just create folder in app/code name with MSP. Now create another folder inside MSP folder called CashOnDelivery.

Keep all the code files in above folder from github links.

Now run command,
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
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