I'm working through the Hello World tutorial and it's time for me to enter the "$ php bin/magento setup:upgrade" command for the reason mentioned in the tutorial but I get the error: "Could not open input file: bin/magentoo" and when I try to navigate to the Magento dir in bin it doesn't exist.
Help please? What am I doing wrong?
The error message you mentioned says "magentoo". Is that a typo in your post or did you enter the wrong command? You should have a file named "magento" in the bin/ folder inside your Magento installation. It is not a directory but actually a PHP script without the .php extension. Make sure that the file has the execute bit set:
chmod +x ./bin/magento
If the file is missing your installation is incomplete.
Hii mitchellsk,
There are two ways
1. if you inside bin the use following as
sudo magento setup:upgrade
2. or go to root directory and run
sudo php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Hope this will help you.
Hey dude, just figured out the solution.
use the full freakin path lol:
php C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\bin\magento setup:static-content:deploy
php C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\bin\magento indexer:reindex
my magento is not in my htdocs folder, but htdocs\magento2
so update the code with ur path and enjoy!