How do I simply find a category and product url and show it on front end? I have lot's of migrated products in my store but if I do a search for products on the front-end of the store it won't show many any products?
You can find product URL from product page,
Go To admin panel,
Catalog -> Products
Edit product, Go To Search Engine Optimization
Now you can directly access product by URL Key,
For Category, same as go to category page and open search engine optimization and get url key.
Thanks for your reply.
But as you can see on the screenshot the URL key is empty. The product has been imported from another store.
The same is with categories. If I copy this URL it won't show anything, I get a 404.
See screenhot: http://prntscr.com/juf1hk
Is the URL Key present in below tables ?
1) catalog_category_entity_varchar (for category URL)
2) catalog_product_entity_varchar (for product URL )
Sorry for the late reply. The problem lies in the migration of data coming from another store. This week a new migration will take place with new URL keys.
I'll let you guys know the results.