I have few questions regarding the configurable_variation_labels attribute in CSV files.
1) Is this option still alive? The labels proposed through configurable_variation_labels are correctly loaded in the database (into catalog_product_super_attribute_label), but they are just shown nowhere (frontend and backend). I found a presentation which states "Super attribut label feature is gone" (slide 24). I looked into all release notes from Magento 2.0.0 to 2.3.1, and I found nothing about this regression. And this attribute is still mentioned in the 2.3.x doc.
2) If it's still supposed to work, where is the equivalent of configurable_variation_labels in the backend? I mean, to update the labels without importing. I found a least another guy wondering the same thing.
I'm trying to find the truth about this option for now 3 days, would you have some clues to give me, to understand the current situation with the per-product super attribute labels?
Thank you so much in advance,