You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled.
I'm getting this message and yes, I have looked through the forums. But I have no idea how to use CMD command, so everything I read is too complicated. I have been using the admin panel no problems, then suddenly today getting this message and I can't find a simple solution or a easy to follow solution having looked for hours now.
So my last resort is to post to see if someone can help me.
Using magento 2.3
"Go to your project dir into cmd and run below command"
Sorry, I don't know how to do this. Don't know where to find the directory or use CMD command. I can learn but unfortunately might need walked through it!
Hello @angryduckshop
if you don't know how ssh works then do click on reset password and check it
are you running your website on a VPS or hosting?
If you are using VPS then they will provide you with Ssh details in their email.
You can use ssh there
Have tried that, the email doesnt come through.
Regarding CMD. I'm able to login to my server no problem, but after that I don't know how to direct to my website directory or run that command?#
if I copy paste the php command with my details added, it says php is an unkown command so obviously I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what.
Using a VPS.
Maybe I'm being stupid, but I'll try explain.
I go onto CMD. I log into my server. From that point I dont know how to get to the point where this line...
php bin/magento admin:user:unlock "exampleuser"
actually works.
So, I must have to in some way make the cmd know I'm wanting to do this for my website. I use coreftp to put files onto my webpage, I am running only 1 php.
All that comes up is, invalid command. I know index.php is the root folder, but I just have no idea how to use cmd to get me to it.
If you're receiving a "account temporarily disabled" message, try resetting your password or checking your account settings for any issues. If you're unfamiliar with using CMD commands, seek simple troubleshooting guides or contact support for assistance. Learn more through official help resources.
How can I fix the "You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled" error in Magento 2.3 without using complex CMD commands? Looking for a simple, step-by-step solution. visit stardew valley