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category view images not aligned/ rendered

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category view images not aligned/ rendered

hey there.

got an issue where iamges does not get rendered and lined up. some to small some oversizes, see screenshot.


thanks for the helprender 2.JPG render 3.JPG render seting 2.JPG render setings.JPG render.JPG


Accepted Solutions

Re: category view images not aligned/ rendered

got this fixed.


Magento 2.3.4 itself removed "resize image ratio" option


so just need some configuration in 


View solution in original post


Re: category view images not aligned/ rendered

Hey @mantas_bernatav 


Can you please check theme etc/view.xml and also check theme configuration, if you are using custom theme?


Hope it helps.

Problem solved? Click Kudos and "Accept as Solution".
200+ Magento 2 Extensions for Enhanced Shopping Experience.

Re: category view images not aligned/ rendered

hey, Im using porto theme


<?xml version="1.0"?>
* Copyright © 2018 Porto. All rights reserved.
<view xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Config/etc/view.xsd">
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            <image id="wishlist_small_image" type="small_image">
            <image id="wishlist_thumbnail" type="small_image">
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        <!-- Gallery and magnifier theme settings. Start -->
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            <var name="fullscreen">
                <var name="nav">thumbs</var> <!-- Fullscreen navigation style (false/thumbs/dots) -->
                <var name="loop">true</var> <!-- Fullscreen navigation loop (true/false/null) -->
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                <var name="arrows">false</var> <!-- Turn on/off arrows on the sides preview (true/false/null) -->
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                <var name="navdir">horizontal</var> <!--Sliding direction of thumbnails in full screen(horizontal/vertical)  -->
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                    <var name="effect">dissolve</var> <!-- Sets transition effect for slides changing (slide/crossfade/dissolve) -->
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                    <var name="options">
                        <var name="nav">dots</var>
        <!-- end. Gallery and magnifier theme settings -->

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        <var name="product_base_image_size">275</var>           <!-- Override for base product image -->
        <var name="product_base_image_icon_size">48</var>       <!-- Base product image icon size -->

        <var name="product_list_image_size">166</var>           <!-- New Product image size used in product list -->
        <var name="product_zoom_image_size">370</var>           <!-- New Product image size used for zooming -->

        <var name="product_image_white_borders">0</var>
    <vars module="Magento_Bundle">
        <var name="product_summary_image_size">58</var>         <!-- New Product image size used for summary block-->
    <vars module="Js_Bundle">
        <var name="bundle_size">1MB</var>
        <item type="file">Lib::jquery/jquery-ui-1.9.2.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::jquery/</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::jquery/jquery.details.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::jquery/jquery.details.min.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::jquery/jquery.hoverIntent.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::jquery/jquery.min.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::mage/captcha.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::mage/dropdown_old.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::mage/list.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::mage/loader_old.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::mage/webapi.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::moment.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::requirejs/require.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::date-format-normalizer.js</item>
        <item type="file">Lib::legacy-build.min.js</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::modernizr</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::tiny_mce</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::varien</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::jquery/editableMultiselect</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::jquery/jstree</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::jquery/fileUploader</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::css</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::lib</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::extjs</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::prototype</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::scriptaculous</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::mage/requirejs</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::mage/adminhtml</item>
        <item type="directory">Lib::mage/backend</item>
        <item type="directory">Magento_Swagger::swagger-ui</item>

Re: category view images not aligned/ rendered

got this fixed.


Magento 2.3.4 itself removed "resize image ratio" option


so just need some configuration in 


Re: category view images not aligned/ rendered

can you tell what exactly you have changed?

Re: category view images not aligned/ rendered


I have same pb with porto theme on magento 2.4.1, please can you tell me in deail what you changed to have the good result ?


Thanks a lot

Re: category view images not aligned/ rendered

Hi angelflo

I had the same problem, if like in my case you downloaded the child theme provided by the editor, you need to replace the view.xml file with that of your parent theme (porto).

This should solve your problem.

Looking forward to your confirmation


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