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hi everyone, i have a question, please help me !

hi everyone, i have a question, please help me !

Guys, I have 15k products. I get my images from a central source, sometimes these images are updated but they keep the same image name.


How can I upload and "overwrite" my existing images on my magento store?


I tried Add/Update, but it seems to only add new that never existed, it doesn't overwrite existing images.


DELETE i'm pretty sure just deletes the product


and REPLACE i thought would replace just the image, but I didn't try it. I assume it will be creating an entirely new product and require all the extra data.


Literally all I am trying to do is change "image_1.jpg" on my server with a new "image_1.jpg" from my import folder.


Please help!


Thank you



Re: hi everyone, i have a question, please help me !

I will suggest you to use replace for a image initially since replace will clear the existing value first and update the new value. It will not create a new product, just keep the fields that you are looking to update like if you wants to update only image then keep only 2 columns sku,image