I'm trying magento CE 2.1.6 with a fresh install using default luma theme
I have created a simple product but the add to car button its not displaying
it only display on hover
also when its on mobile it wont show the button at all
have tried changing the qty clear cache, re indexing, setting stock to yes/no
but nothing works
have you customize css? If yes then may be create problem.
Are you able to share URL?
I have the same questions.
The "Add to Cart" button is not permanently visible in the Grid view. It appears only when you hover over the product. In the list view, it is permanently visible.
Is there a way to always show this button in the Grid view. I'm using the luma theme and have not modified it at all.
Add below css
.abs-visually-hidden-desktop-s, .products-grid .product-item-info:not(:hover):not(.active) .product-item-inner { position: relative; height: auto; width: auto; padding: 11px; background: none; border: none; box-shadow: none; }
it's working! thanks.
Dear, I'm not the technical bg, would you please tell me edit which route of css file?
You have to keep css into below file,
Run command,
php magento setup:upgrade php magento setup:static-content:deploy
if issue solved, Click kudos/accept as solutions.
my pg page hasnt changed, my route is app/design/frontend/TM/{Theme Name}/Magento_Catalog/web/css/source/product/_list.scss.
it did't show any error after revamping
I think it's my problem that I don't know about the structure.
Thanks Its Working Fine...