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php 8.2 makes admin functions disappear

php 8.2 makes admin functions disappear

Hello. I finished Magento 2.4.6p 5 fresh install. Made some additional changes, switched from PHP 8.1 to 8.2 and went to sleep. Started working on the site today and discovered that most admin functions found under the systems tab were missing. I could click to go to cache, index management, users, etc and then I would be taken to a blank page with only the title on it. I immediately thought I had messed something up when making the site live. I back tracked and looked at everything that I had done. After a bunch of back and forth I finally remembered to check the php version. I switched back to 8.1 and all the admin functions that had gone missing magically reappeared. I checked to make sure that the 8.2 settings were correct and they seem to be. So, I'm asking if anyone may have any idea why this is happening - maybe some setting that I'm missing?? I really want to be able to move to PHP 8.2.


Thanks in advance for any help.


Re: php 8.2 makes admin functions disappear

2.4.6p5 should be compatible with php 8.2, which means it's probably some of your extensions or code modifications that's causing the issue. 


Is there anything interesting in the log files when you visit those blank pages?

Founder at

Re: php 8.2 makes admin functions disappear

I've seen similar reports of Magento admin issues with PHP 8.2. While your settings might seem correct, there could be compatibility issues. Have you checked the official Magento documentation for supported PHP versions? They might not have officially blessed 8.2 yet. In the meantime, sticking with 8.1 seems like the safest bet.

Re: php 8.2 makes admin functions disappear

Hello - yes I did check documentation. 8.2 is supported. I am just sticking with 8.1 for now though.


Thanks for your response.

Re: php 8.2 makes admin functions disappear

Hello. I do have a fair amount of extensions. I didn't see any error reports or issues in the logs. For now I will just stick with 8.1 until I have more time to look into this.


Thanks for your response.