Hello Dears,
Please see video:
Problem:if you login to user account (will successfully login with correct data), then if you sign-out and try to login with different user account , after login , will retrieve the previous user account information(first one).
A)after clicking control + F5 (refresh page) you will get current users details(last one)
B)Disabled Magento cache, still problem not solved.
C)Disabled all cache from server (varnish,Memcached,...) ,but still problem there.
D)When trying with other browsers opera/firefox/IE its working fine,without any problem !!!
E)Trying different Pc, different IP`s, but for chrome the problem same.!
Anyone could help in this complected problem.
in case if anyone like to test the login:
user 1: first-first@gmail.com
pass: M12m12m12
Hi @gabriel_helle ,
It doesn't seem an issue of Chrome, it's issue of session and cookie, observe what are saving while you login, signout, check if it is destroying session when you signout.
I found one article which will help you to debug :
Hello @gaurav_harsh1
i checked the article and the session and cookie point, still problem there.
-also change to LUMA theme, same problem.
-i also recognize that after clicking on signout, bottom text its changed to sign in,
but if you click on my account bottom, the account information still there.
-also if you refresh the page when login with second account,even 3rd user or 4th user account, its shown in account information new detail(after refresh), but if you click in any menu item, its related to first account user...
I tried above credentials, but it is showing me correct account, I logged in with first main, then lout and signed in with second email, it showed me correct data for both emails.
any other process detail I missed ?
Hello @gaurav_harsh1
with chrome?
i was mention that : D)When trying with other browsers opera/firefox/IE its working fine,without any problem .
still the problem there using chrome.
I tried with Google Chrome only.
OS : MacOS
Version : 83.0.4103.116
Hello @gaurav_harsh1
if you are sure about testing, this means that new point added that looks in Chrome OS: MacOS working.
but in windows OS not working !
Able to reproduce error in windows !
So I just checked that Dashboard page is cached, so it seems issue with your caching because when I hit any link in dashboard which is not cached yet, then it takes me to Login Page.
Check :
You can disable this page to be caching if you don't need it to be cached.
Also you can check at server level if you're getting caching error there !
Might be related to the chrome browser caching:
If you press f5, browser just sent new request to the page and gets new content.
Faced same issue, no ideas how to fix it for now