I'm new to Magento. I'm trying to remove some text from a webpage on a phtml file. I've tried to run these commands below
memory_limit=-1 php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy php bin/magento cache:flush
I enabled template hint so I know which file to edit. (/html/vendor/magento/module-customer/view/frontend/templates/account/dashboard)
I haven't been able to see the changes reflected on the webpage. What could I be missing?
Thank you
It's not preferable to apply changes on Vendor/Magento directly.
You need to override the particular file in your theme and flush the cache after applying changes.
Refer to the below content and example:
Thank you
Actually, the file I'm trying to edit has text intended to be a comment but wasn't commented out properly. So when I try to comment that out, the text still displays on the webpage.
For the link you sent, how do you know where the overridden file should be located? For example, if I want to edit a file on var/view_preprocessed/pub/static/vendor/Magento/module_customer where would this go?
I am now trying to make changes to a phtml in
vendor/magento/module-newsletter/view/frontend/templates. I have made a new directory and placed the new phtml file to the app/design/frontend/Swissup/argento-pure2/Magento_Newsletter/templates. Does this sound correct? I'm unsure of my ThemeVendor and my ThemeName. When I check using template-hints, it still doesn't use the modified version.
Thank you