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Magento 1.9 error/success notifications stopped showing!!

Magento 1.9 error/success notifications stopped showing!!

So, i'm not really sure what happened here, but on my site the notifications stopped displaying on the front end and admin backend.

For example, on the front end, when you apply a coupon, the message that says "coupon has been applied" isn't showing.

In the admin backend, "This product has been saved" or "Customer has been saved" does not display after saving. I haven't changed any admin files so I can't pinpoint what the issue is. Is there anything that can go in the htaccess that can affect this? I have updated my htaccess, specifically mod_expires, mod_headers and mod_deflate, but I don't see why that would change the notifications.

Any ideas?


Re: Magento 1.9 error/success notifications stopped showing!!

@daniel_jackson1 Magento uses  Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->addSuccess() method for showing notifications.


So when you have updated the .htaccess may be your sessions are not stored due to which you are not able to see the notification messages.


Please revert it and try to make changes one by one in the .htaccess file and check which particular change is responsible for this.

