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Moving product images

Moving product images

I have been learning Magento for the last few month. Many re installs and backup restore on 2.3.2. I want export the products from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3. I made the new store in 2.3.3 with all the same product attributes and attribute sets the same from 2.3.2. I've created about 50 product and 300 product images.

Here have two questions, The export file for products, looks good to import into 2.3.3. But the file has the image location.

Can I just copy catalog/product folder to the new 2.3.3

Should I keep adding products to 2.3.2 and when import all the products into 2.3.3. I'm think if I add product to the 2.3.3 now it would create problems with imported product.


Re: Moving product images

Hello @Mrferguson 


Here is the perfect guide to answer your query


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Re: Moving product images

Thanks It's Worked for my secret brand site like this one and was also faced this issue!