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System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies

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Re: System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies



Experience exactly the same issues with no error or indication. Running CentOS7 with PHP 7. We had already upgraded the mem limit to 256M but still no joy. Then increase mem to 300Mb but also upped the execusion times. 


The Readyness check then passed OK.


Hope this helps someone...


Re: System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies

I've had this same problem and the solution after making sure your cron jobs are setup correctly is to increase yoru memory_limit


Magento recommended is : 

  • Increase the PHP memory limit to at least 768MB for normal operation or 2GB for testing.  

I increased ours to 512mb and that got us through all of the checks and the upgrade using the admin interface.  I will be changing the memory limit to 1gb for production sites though


Hope this helps someone....

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Re: System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies

I have another solution:


I have installed magento 2.0 initially with SOFTACULOUS. But upgrades were made through the Web Setup Wizard.

After the initial installation I stopped caring about softaculous - and that was a mistake. If you installed via softaculous, before upgrading, you should visit the softaculous installation and EDIT your installation. You will get notified that the version is not up to date. Click on "update version information".


Now you're ready to upgrade through the Web Setup Wizard.


Maybe there's somebody out there who has not yet tried this. It worked for me!

Re: System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies

Refer to this 

component dependency conflicts

I have try to increase the php memory limit from 1024M to 2G , however the problem still not fixed .


but I follow Donovan 's advice , try to remove the cron job , then I finally pass the 

readiness check issues 


Re: System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies

Increasing the memory limit still shows me the "Component Dependency" error. So I'm keen on trying your fix regarding the cronjobs, but how do I remove, add them exactly?


when I only delete var/.update_cronjob_status and var/.setup_cronjob_status, all of the readyness checks fail.

Re: System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies

Here's what worked for me:
Switched to production mode using : php bin/magento deploy:mode:set production
And I deleted these lines from composer.json
"require-dev": {
        "phpunit/phpunit": "4.1.0",
        "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "1.5.3",
        "phpmd/phpmd": "@stable",
        "pdepend/pdepend": "2.0.6",
        "sjparkinson/static-review": "~4.1",
        "fabpot/php-cs-fixer": "~1.2",
        "lusitanian/oauth": "~0.3 <=0.7.0"

It passed the check and moved on to backup and update without a hitch !

Sebastian Cocis

Re: System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies


i have magenot 2.1.9 and need to upgrade using web wizard. I followed your process and i still get the same message. after modifying the compser.jason.. do i need to issue some command line ? i just flush the cache. any suggestion would be appreciated. 


Re: System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies

i solve it updating memory_limit on php.ini to 1024M

Re: System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies

This worked for me too.   Good work

Re: System Upgrade: conflicting component dependencies

the problem for me is that those two files doesn't exist on my cpanel installation from Softaculous and i still have this issue