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Update Magento 2.3.6p1 to 2.3.7p4

Update Magento 2.3.6p1 to 2.3.7p4

I want to upgrade from 2.3.6p1 to 2.3.7p4. Would someone help me and describe it step by step for beginners. There's always an error. Thank you very much.


Re: Update Magento 2.3.6p1 to 2.3.7p4

Hello @lacika008 


1. Create a Backup
2. Run Magento 2 Upgrade Commands

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.3.7p4 --no-update
composer update --ignore-platform-reqs


After upgrading the Magento store, it is important to run the following commands to run the upgrade module, clear cache, run compile and reindex for better performance:


php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:flush
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento indexer:reindex


Note: if you face error in any third party extension, disable it for time being and grab extension version which is compitible for your magento version.

3. Magento 2 Version Check
php bin/magento --version


Keep posted error you were facing, will try to sort it out.




Thank you
Aims Infosoft

Re: Update Magento 2.3.6p1 to 2.3.7p4

Thanks. I'll try and report if I succeed.

Re: Update Magento 2.3.6p1 to 2.3.7p4

Need switch to php 7.4?

Re: Update Magento 2.3.6p1 to 2.3.7p4

Hi lacika008 ,
I am also a beginner , would you like to know if you were able to do upgadre with the above procedure ?
Thanks Alessandro 

Re: Update Magento 2.3.6p1 to 2.3.7p4

Yes. With composer 1 and php 7.4.