Was able to upgrade from 2.2.6 to 2.2.7 fine. I took a brand new copy of the file for Magento 2.3.0 and then attempted to run an upgrade against it.
When I run the following from ssh to upgrade the database
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
I end up with the following error:
Updating modules: Schema creation/updates: Types char is not declared
I managed to track down the error message source to:
namespace Magento\Framework\Setup\Declaration\Schema\Dto;
Specifically, but I'm lost as to why the error
/** * Instantiate different types of elements, depends on their xsi:type. * * @param string $type * @param array $elementStructuralData * @return ElementInterface | object */ public function create($type, array $elementStructuralData) { if (!isset($this->typeFactories[$type])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Types %s is not declared", $type)); } $elementStructuralData = $this->castGenericAttributes($elementStructuralData); $elementStructuralData['type'] = $type; return $this->typeFactories[$type]->create($elementStructuralData); }
Any tips would be appreciated
OK, found the cause,
I had some custom tables in magento used for SAP integrations. There included a field type of char. Which it seems magento 2.3.0 doesnt agree with.
So If in future you see this, just run the following against your mysql database. This will show up any char data types
Yes, Its works. Thanks
where should i place this code?
Experienced the very same issue recently, which could be resolved by adding the CHAR element type mapping to the related DTO factory DI.xml. See next pull request for more on the solution (just in case others would come across the notice too): https://github.com/magento/magento2/pull/22442
The same issue which i can see in my site when i run the upgrade command it gives an error
"Types char is not declared" ..
How can i solve this.
please help i'm really very appreciate
thank you
Hi @dearshikha
Did you tried the following query in your database?
This issue is also reported on magento Github.
You can take pull from the repo.
I hope it will help you!
i have run the query
you can see my output like this
but nothing to happen
I wrote a shell script that finds the offending custom tables, dumps them to a file, and then creates another file with the appropriate "DROP TABLE" instructions. It's written for Debian Linux and Debian-based distributions (like Ubuntu), and it assumes the database is on the local server, but can be modified to support other Linux/UNIX-like systems and situations.
It does not actually run the "DROP TABLE" or recreate table SQL commands or modify the database in any way - it simply creates two convenient SQL command files to allow you to do so. It works fine for me, but obviously it should be used with extreme caution, multiple backups, and standard assumptions about random people who post code on the Internet, etc. It also needs to be run as root, so cringe even harder if you want.
I'm not going to give any other instructions or support. If you don't understand this, then (no offense) somebody else that does understand it should be doing the work. This is something I created as a convenience for myself that I'm willing to share, but that's about it.
#!/bin/bash # Change these if necessary export CRUDINI_PATH=/usr/bin/crudini export DATABASE_NAME=magento export DATABASE_SERVER=localhost export OUTPUT_SQL_FILE=~/magento_char_custom_table_dump_$$.sql export OUTPUT_TABLE_DROP_FILE=~/magento_char_custom_table_drop_$$.sql export TABLE_LISTFILE=/tmp/magento_tablefix_$$.txt if [[ ! -e $CRUDINI_PATH ]]; then echo 'FATAL - crudini not found. Please install (Debian/Ubuntu: "sudo apt install crudini")' exit 1 fi if [[ -e "$OUTPUT_SQL_FILE" ]]; then echo 'FATAL - Output file "'$OUTPUT_SQL_FILE'" alraedy exists. Figure out what to do with it first.' exit 2 fi if [[ -e "$OUTPUT_TABLE_DROP_FILE" ]]; then echo 'FATAL - Output file "'$OUTPUT_TABLE_DROP_FILE'" alraedy exists. Figure out what to do with it first.' exit 3 fi export MYSQL_USERNAME=`crudini --get /etc/mysql/debian.cnf 'mysql_upgrade' 'user'` export MYSQL_PASSWORD=`crudini --get /etc/mysql/debian.cnf 'mysql_upgrade' 'password'` mysql -u "$MYSQL_USERNAME" -h "$DATABASE_SERVER" -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" mysql --execute='SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE DATA_TYPE ='\''char'\'' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='\'$DATABASE_NAME\'';' 2>/dev/null| \ egrep -E '^\|\s[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s+|$' | grep -v 'TABLE_NAME' | sort -u > "$TABLE_LISTFILE" while read MYSQL_TABLENAME; do echo Processing Table $MYSQL_TABLENAME mysqldump -u "$MYSQL_USERNAME" -h "$DATABASE_SERVER" -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" "$DATABASE_NAME" "$MYSQL_TABLENAME" >> "$OUTPUT_SQL_FILE" 2>/dev/null echo 'DROP TABLE '$MYSQL_TABLENAME';' >> "$OUTPUT_TABLE_DROP_FILE" done < "$TABLE_LISTFILE" rm "$TABLE_LISTFILE" echo 'Tables successfully dumped to "'$OUTPUT_SQL_FILE'"' echo 'Table drop commands exported to "'$OUTPUT_TABLE_DROP_FILE'"' echo 'Have a nice day.'
Thanks for sharing this. It really helps me.