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Imagine 2019 Community Contributor Guide

New Contributor



startup.png  Register for the Imagine 2019 Contributor Day!

May 11-12, 2019 | 10am – 5pm CDT | Happy Hour 3-5pm May 12th

#event-imagine2019 Slack (self signup) | Imagine Agenda


info.png  To join, ensure you have registered for Imagine 2019, then register for the Contribution Day event.


Magento Contribution Days are popular hackathon-like events where the Community, Community Engineering and Magento Architects meet. During the 2 days, you work side-by-side with brilliant community developers and Magento teams. Learn how to submit your first contribution to Magento core, get involved in building new features (like GraphQL, MSI, or PWA), or get answers to your biggest questions and learn something new. We welcome everyone with projects for Development, QA Testing, UX design, Documentation, and Translation teams.


Our goal and vision: Give everyone a place to meet, learn from each other, contribute to the product, and have fun.


Work side-by-side with Magento Engineering, Core Architects, and Community:


  • Develop features/improvements
  • Code reviews in teams
  • Create, run and review results
  • Create and merge PRs
  • Work with docs for updates


What’s available at the Contributor Days?


This two-day event gives you access to Magento experts in the Community and from the Community Engineering team. We welcome all contributors including developers, QA, documentation writers, UX designers, and more.


We have the following tables and support lined up for the days. Join a table and work together.



We also welcome contribution from all of our other projects! Looking for a list? Check the Community Portal and this Slack list!


Special Project: Adobe Stock Integration


The Adobe Stock Integration project adds a searchable interface in the Magento Admin to explore, preview, and use stock images in PageBuilder or WYSIWYG content inside the Magento Admin. We are seeking developers and more to help integrate Adobe Stock (image asset service and library) into the Magento Admin via the Adobe Stock public API.


The integration project is a Hackathon-like opportunity to add a lightweight plugin for authentication, searching, selecting, and programmatically uploading the images to the Magento Media Gallery. Users should be able to search for images, select, preview, and add images to Magento. Further features allow for adding watermarked preview images as placeholders, licensing images through Adobe, and replacing watermarked preview images with licensed files across all CMS content currently using the image. All uploaded preview and licensed images become assets for all Magento features with access to the gallery.


We welcome contributors to join this project and complete it in true Hackathon style – during the Imagine Contribution Days!


Getting started?


All you need to contribute is:


  • Magento 2 version (up and running) with develop branch forked and pulled from GitHub
  • Active GitHub account
  • Your favorite debugger and IDE (we use xdebug and PHPStorm)
  • Desire to learn and have fun contributing


New to GitHub? Not sure how best to fork and start working? Need help finding an issue? We will walk you through the process. And we will have Beginner Guides available soon!


How the Contribution Days work


  1. Gather and get to know each other. We have time for new contributors and veterans to meet, chat, and share their experiences and stories.
  2. Tables are provided with power, a Wi-Fi password, and a sign for dedicated projects. Find a spot, join with friends, or make new friends.
  3. We will announce and discuss the available projects and provide staff to help get you started.
  4. Fork, branch, and code! We will work together to help with questions, code reviews, and tests. Prepare and submit PRs when ready.
  5. Present demos at the end of the event to showcase your hard work!


Community Engineering @ Imagine


The Magento Community Engineering team will have members attending the Contribution Day and throughout the events. Find us at Imagine, and check in through the #event-imagine2019 Slack Channel (self signup).

1 Comment
New Contributor

Can't wait to see everyone this weekend! Just a couple days away for the Contribution Days and Imagine 2019.


We also have more info on the Adobe Stock Integration project: GitHub | Wiki