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Community Engineering Update – March 2019

Adobe Team

Pull Request Highlights


During the month of March 2019, we merged 591 pull requests across our repositories. We would like to extend a big thank you to all our contributors and would like to highlight two pull requests of note.


First, we merged a pull request from Eduard Chitoraga focusing on unifying how the EAV attribute code validation works. Thanks to this pull request, there is now a new class specifically for attribute code validation that is used in all places that attributes are saved.


Then, we merged a pull request from Vitaliy Boyko which updated the way product URL rewrites are created and deleted. This pull request updated the process so that now the product visibility is considered when dealing with the URL rewrites.


Thank you to both Eduard and Vitaliy for your hard work on these pull requests.


Magento Open Source - Statistics


March was also a fantastic month for contributions. We made the following progress on pull requests and issues:

Pull Requests

  • Processed: 791
  • Merged: 591
  • Rejected: 200
  • Created: 743
  • Accepted Rate: 75%
  • Contributors: 226
  • New Contributors: 54


  • Created: 299
  • Closed: 269
  • Fixed by the community: 80
  • Fixed by partners: 83

Contribution days


Lviv Unconference & Contribution day


On the 16th of March, Atwix hosted a contribution day in Lviv, Ukraine. During this event 15 pull requests were created across our projects. We would like to highlight the following from the event:

Contribution evening with Snowdog


On the 21st of March, Snowdog hosted a contribution evening in Poznan, Poland. This event was focused on giving first time contributors an overview of the contribution process. During this event we took 10 attendees through the steps of setting up their local machine ready for contribution, finding an issue to work on, creating a pull request and the review and merging process.


Contribution day Krakow


On the 30th of March, Strix hosted a contribution day in Krakow. This event was focusing on the Multi-Source Inventory project. During the day 5 pull requests were opened on the MSI project with topics ranging from GraphQL to performance.


One pull request to highlight from this event came from Bartek Szymanski. In this pull request, Bartek created a new module to add GraphQL support for the inventory module.


Top Magento Contributors

All contributor stats are now available on the Magento Contributors website.


Top 10 Individual Contributors

Our top 10 individual contributors in March are:



# Contributor Points Created Accepted
1 Pratik OzaPratik Oza 372 41 33
2 Ievgenii GryshkunIevgenii Gryshkun 271 14 14
3 Ronak Patel Ronak Patel 250 18 13
4 Alex TaranovskyAlex Taranovsky 235 18 16
5 Prince Patel Prince Patel 230 21 19
6 Yaroslav Rogoza Yaroslav Rogoza 191 8 7
7 Hitarth Pattani Hitarth Pattani 160 6 6
8 Yogesh Suhagiya Yogesh Suhagiya 155 17 13
9 Eduard Chitoraga Eduard Chitoraga 143 22 16
10 Romain Ruaud Romain Ruaud 135 3 3


Top Solution Partner Contributors

The top 10 solution partner contributors are:



Team Name Contribution Points Created Accepted
Atwix 1555 53 51
Krish TechnoLabs 1208 102 94
ISM eCompany 652 41 41
Interactiv4 474 1 1
TechDivision 270 14 14


Top Maintainers

And our top maintainers for March are:



# Maintainer Points Processed Accepted
1 Yaroslav Rogoza Yaroslav Rogoza 474 59 41
2 Oscar Recio Oscar Recio 464 42 38
3 Vlad Veselov Vlad Veselov 323 42 23
4 Dmytro Cheshun Dmytro Cheshun 306 51 38
5 Ihor Sviziev Ihor Sviziev 167 25 17


Announced the newly reformatted backlog


We announced a reformatting of our Community Backlog to make it easier for contributors and maintainers to find an issue to work on. The backlog is split into three sections:

  • Ready for QA – Open to Maintainers working on the Issue Confirmation track
  • Ready for Dev – Open to all Contributors
  • Good First Issue – Open to all Contributors

 To find out more information on our back please check out or wiki.

Community Engineering Project Updates


Please check out our new weekly newsletters for details on project progress, meetings, recordings, and more.  Every project entry includes contributors, PRs, GitHub links, Slack channels, and highlights of all work completed that week.


Check out the Magento Community Engineering Google Calendar for all events and meetings:

Ready to contribute?


We recommend reading over the Contributor’s Guide and Coding Standards on Magento DevDocs. The guide includes code guidelines, accepted pull requests per release line, GitHub labels, porting information, and much more.


How to get involved


As always, if you are interested in finding out more about contributing to Magento, we recommend getting involved in the Community Engineering SlackIf you are interested in joining Slack, or a specific channel, please send your request to or self signup. See this wiki page for a list of channels.


All projects have public channels to connect with us and community developers. You can also find us on Twitter @MagentoEngComm. For more information, see Community Resources.


We also have a wide selection of additional projects currently running. If you’re interested in participating in one of these projects, take a look at the Community Portal. You can also check the weekly newsletters for project GitHub links and Slack channels.