Hey there!
Fil here from the Magento Community Engineering team. We wanted to let all open source software enthusiasts know that we will be running our annual Squashtoberfest event during the entire month of October. Every year in October open source communities around the world get together to collaborate and contribute to their favorite projects. For the past two years, contributors to Magento projects during October have had a chance to win some cool swag from us based on their contributions.
This will be the third year the event runs and we’re expanding its scope to also include Adobe open source projects! The short of it is: if you submit 5 pull requests to either github.com/magento or github.com/adobe repositories during October, we’ll send you some swag!
This year we have a website up with all the details, but if you have a question about the event that is not explained there, head over to the Squashtoberfest open repository and feel free to ask your question by filing an issue.
Looking forward to collaborating with you all! Check out the Squashtoberfest website for all the details, but feel free to find issues by diving into the Magento Community backlog or the 'good first issues' in the Adobe organization, and don't forget to catch us on the Magento Community Engineering Slack!