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I changed theme and now my site looks like this

I changed theme and now my site looks like this



I tried to modify the Blank theme (from C:\wamp64\www\Magento\vendor\magento\theme-frontend-blank). I just changed some colors in the css files (for example in C:\wamp64\www\Magento\vendor\magento\theme-frontend-blank\Magento_Catalog\web\css\source\_modules.less), but now my page looks like this:



Looks the same both for admin and customer page.

I changed back all the modifications but nothing changed.


Could you help me with some advice, please?


Thank you.


Re: I changed theme and now my site looks like this

Hi @penisoara_bogda 


I understand the problem you are facing !


As you have changed the theme and its css file - then you require to run static:deploy command to resolve this issue.


Run below command from the SSH Command line terminal in a sequence :


php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush

It will resolved your issue for the same.


Hope it helps !

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: I changed theme and now my site looks like this

First of all, thank you @Manthan Dave for reply.

I run the commands in the same order (I use windows 10) and looks like the commands run successfully, but the site has the same problem Smiley Sad I also re-run the wamp server.


Do you have any other suggestion?


Thank you a lot!

Re: I changed theme and now my site looks like this



I wanted to change the language from english, and I have run some commands which also resolved my first problem.

  • Upgrade installation using $ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Clear cache using $ php bin/magento cache:clean

Thank you again for helping!