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Style elements using custom code in Page Builder

Style elements using custom code in Page Builder

I need some help, please?


How do you style individual elements on a page using the HTML element in the CMS Page Builder. Where I code a single element from scratch, no issue. In the example I coded an image into the Page Builder:




And it ended up like this:



(Still some issues with the alignment, but I'll sort that out later)


Now my question. How do I change just one or two attributes using the same method?

For instance. How do I style the default contact form? Or the default buttons from this side?


*Please note. I'm working with an external company that works on the back-end and root/file directory - I cannot access that. Also, I cannot install any modules or extensions as the external company does not allow access at this stage.




Re: Style elements using custom code in Page Builder

Hi there,

If you are not really good at code, why don't think of a Page Builder that can help without this tough skill? 

With Magezon Page Builder's help, you can do it easily, and fix the element problem right away. 
As Magezon Page Builder's key features are: 

1. Intuitive drag and drop interface 


2. More than 50 elements supported

3. View the result right away from the backend

No more complicated issue with fixing elements, you are free to unleash your creativity then make a stunning website, by your own! 

Check it right now to save your time!


Link article:



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