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Where I can find the Magento2 reinforcement exercises?

Where I can find the Magento2 reinforcement exercises?

I’m taking the magento2 boot camp and I’m watching the supplied videos.
However, I’m struggling to find any reinforcement exercise guide mentioned for example in 1.3.1 or 1.5.1, neither I’m able to find what exercise I should do. Was only able to find the exercise solutions.
Can you please indicate where I should find it?

Wrote to support but still no answer


Re: Where I can find the Magento2 reinforcement exercises?

Do you have any clue where we can find the exercises?

Re: Where I can find the Magento2 reinforcement exercises?

Hi @apedicdev,


I guess you are talking about this course:


Maybe the @MagentoUTeam can help here.