Please how to change the image of the buy button Paypal in the shopping cart, currently appears a yellow button, I would like to change this button, I have already analyzed the shorcut.phtml file but I do not know where it is generating this image, my version 1.9. 3.1.
Claudio Magento
Hi @claudiomagento,
The image is remote. You'll find here, probably, an example of how the url is setted:
File: /app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Block/Express/Shortcut.php
Line: 128
The code is from Magento
128 // use static image if in catalog if ($isInCatalog || null === $quote) { $this->setImageUrl($config->getExpressCheckoutShortcutImageUrl(Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode())); } else { $this->setImageUrl(Mage::getModel($this->_checkoutType, array( 'quote' => $quote, 'config' => $config, ))->getCheckoutShortcutImageUrl('')); 136 }
Hello Damian Culotta, how are you?
I'm from Brazil, I've been analyzing the file Shortcut.php line 128 down I made some changes but nothing of the image change, I tried to understand where the code is calling this image and I could not, I need it to show this image https: // www., but I can not do it, I can help.
Thank you very much,
Right no wI don't have a store using PayPal. If you can send me an URL (at least via Private Message) I'll try to detect where is called the remote image.