Some of my orders are not marked as paid and some are. I called PayPal and they said maybe Magento has special settings for silent post transfer but I don't see this in Magento. My last 5 orders 3 say pending payment but they are paid and I see them in paypal. Any help would be appreciated. Running version
Is there a way to fetch the paypal payment manually?
I have a sneaking suspiction that your IPN-s are not working and orders from people who close browsers right after payment doesn't count as paid.
I just did an order with a CC on my site and it says pending payment in Magento and my browser is still open and transaction is in paypal with the correct order ID from magento.
Without IPN you need to return to merchant using appropriate links, otherwise the store doesn't know that the payment has been made.
Its been working fine for years and all the sudden some post and some don't