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PayPal IPN results in HTTP 503, because field 'invoce' is missing in IPN message send from PayPal.

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PayPal IPN results in HTTP 503, because field 'invoce' is missing in IPN message send from PayPal.

Hi there,


I just double checked the ipn configuration in our system, because we received some E-Mail notifications from PayPal that the IPN messages could not be delivered.


It is a Magento Shop with PayPalPlus 1.4.5 Integration (Iways_PayPalPlus-1.4.5.tar)


I figured out that our shop url is correct and the system received the messages, but the processing fails.

The file that receives the IPN message is:

The processing is done in:



The issue is that there is no orderId (field invoice) in the IPN-Message send from PayPal.

The Magento-PayPal code tries to read out the field "invoice" and wants to load the related order to process the IPN-Message, but that fails of cause, because there is no orderId send...


Why is there no field "invoice" in the IPN-Message?

How to add it?

Is this a bug in the PayPal Plus component?





This is an example of what IPN Message we receive:


2015-11-27T04:53:06+00:00 DEBUG (7): PayPal IPN POST data: Array
[first_name] => John
[mc_shipping] => 0.00
[mc_currency] => EUR
[payer_status] => verified
[payment_fee] =>
[address_status] => confirmed
[payment_gross] =>
[address_zip] => 55555
[address_country_code] => DE
[txn_type] => cart
[num_cart_items] => 8
[verify_sign] => A43hXC6..R-Q31Q1hYNCuI2komALApx5EPWQ0iLr5MDz.siLMQy.v0-e
[payer_id] => 4VWKVH2GEBARU
[charset] => windows-1252
[receiver_id] => D6M46P9GVWXW8
[item_name1] => Shemps Old Fashioned Original Flavor Steak Sauce 260ml
[tax] => 3.87
[item_name2] => The Original Australian Flamin Hot Pepper Sauce 148ml
[item_name3] => Cape Herb & Spice Rub Louisiana Cajun 100g x8
[payment_type] => instant
[address_street] => Customers Street 123
[txn_id] => 1EY988150J524392L
[mc_gross_1] => 5.60
[quantity1] => 1
[mc_gross_2] => 4.66
[quantity2] => 1
[item_number1] => 510182
[protection_eligibility] => Eligible
[mc_gross_3] => 26.08
[quantity3] => 1
[item_number2] => 510029
[item_number3] => 275025
[custom] =>
[business] => <our-email>
[residence_country] => DE
[last_name] => Doe
[address_state] =>
[payer_email] => <customers-email>
[address_city] => München
[payment_status] => Completed
[payment_date] => 09:29:53 Nov 26, 2015 PST
[transaction_subject] =>
[receiver_email] => <our-email>
[mc_fee] => 1.47
[notify_version] => 3.8
[address_country] => Germany
[mc_gross] => 58.85
[address_name] => John Doe
[ipn_track_id] => 01a4f475016ce


Re: PayPal IPN results in HTTP 503, because field 'invoce' is missing in IPN message send from PayPa

I would recommend that you file an MTS ticket to resolve this issue -

Re: PayPal IPN results in HTTP 503, because field 'invoce' is missing in IPN message send from PayPa

Hi there,


try to use the option "Transfer order's ID as PayPal invoice number" in Magento Backend PayPal Plus configuration


Worst extension ever!


And don`t try to contact tech support at paypal. They don´t know what to do!

We have communicated now since three weeks with them and they don´t have a solution for that problem right now.