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Inline code formatting

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Inline code formatting

It would be nice if we can have inline code formatting that would change the font to something monospaced without having it roll onto a new line. I tried using <PRE> but the input form didn't like that. If I am somehow the village idiot and haven't figured out how to do this, be gentle Smiley Very Happy




I just wanted to second @Talesh's suggestion.  Code formatting is tough, I know but it helps so much when trying to deep dive into an issue here in the forums.  As we continue to expand contributions here in the Magento Forums I think it will really help a lot of people (both submitters and responders) to have even just a few basic code formatting options available to us.


But since we're on that topic anyway, highlighting / syntax coloring for PHP, HTML, Javascript and CSS would be nice too Smiley Happy


Here's what I get when I use the Insert Code menu option:
Insert Code


  1. PHP:

            // create curl resource 
            $ch = curl_init(); 
            // set url 
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ""); 
            //return the transfer as a string 
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
            // $output contains the output string 
            $output = curl_exec($ch); 
            // close curl resource to free up system resources 
    At least it's pre-formatted, but not easy to read without syntax highlighting (compared to the PHP Official Docs where I found this sample)

  2. Simple HTML (again, it's pre-formatted but not quite as readable as the Mozilla Docs where I found the sample)

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Hi there</title>
      This is a page
      a simple page
  3. Simple CSS (same story, code source)

      <title>My first styled page</title>
      <style type="text/css">
      body {
        color: purple;
        background-color: #d8da3d }
  4. Simple JavaScript (same story, code source)

    var myImage = document.querySelector('img');
    myImage.onclick = function() {
        var mysrc=myImage.getAttribute('src');
        if(mysrc=== 'images/firefox-icon.png') {
          myImage.setAttribute ('src','images/firefox2.png');
        } else {
          myImage.setAttribute ('src','images/firefox-icon.png');


I've noticed that SOME types of code does appear to include some formatting, but it appears to be mostly shell commands (at least here's an example).  


[root@webserver var]# locate .htaccess


Of course, I may be doing this wrong so any help would be appreciated Smiley Happy


Community Manager
Status changed to: Under Review

Sorry I've missed this. It's not visible in this area, but in the Q&A parts of the forum you can use the {i} button on the WYSIWYG toolbar to insert code. Does that solve this for you?



I am thinking it might but I'll have to find an open question and test it out. @Talesh will need to confirm his specific request as ours were a little different Smiley Wink
Event Organizer

I have been working around it by using monospaced fonts in bold inline instead of a code setting. It takes  a little longer but we're all good. Thanks for reviewing. You can close as resolved.

Event Organizer

undefined The font features of the comment box shown in teh screenshot are not available on the Security Forum, so I don't have the ability to use Monospaced fonts there.

Magento Master

Instead of having to click buttons, it would be much nicer if markdown where supported (including inline code).

If you think so, too, please check this: