I am currently using Magento 2.4.7 and I've encountered an issue where a simple product I created in the back office is not visible on the frontend. Here is what I have done so far:
Is the product visible when you enter the product URL directly on the forntend or is it only missing in some category?
Thank you for you reply,
Yes product is visible when enter the product URL in frontend but its not visible in some category.
Then this is probably due to some error on your elastic search or open search or whatever you use to deliver the category content in your specific setup. Try reindexing the catalog search indexer, look into your elastic search logs to see if there are any issues.
It may cause due to some custom attributes that may be filterable with results or filtarable with no results with text type attribute(s). You can check if there is any exception log generated when you open the category. if it is related to some attributes, you can check and change the property use in Layered Navigation to No.
Thank You!
Given all the steps you've followed, you might also want to check the following potential issues to resolve the visibility problem of your simple product:
If these are all set correctly and the issue persists, consider looking into the theme or layout updates that might be overriding product visibility settings.
In Magento 2.4.7, if a simple product is not visible on the frontend despite your checks, ensure the product is assigned to the correct website/store view. Also, verify that the product's status and visibility settings are correct for each store view. If the issue persists, check for any customizations or third-party modules that might be affecting product visibility.
Based on the provided information, it seems like you've thoroughly checked the usual suspects for why your simple product isn't appearing on the frontend of your Magento 2.4.7 store. Since all the basic configurations such as product status, visibility, stock, categories, re-indexing, and cache refreshing have been verified, it's time to delve deeper. Check the attribute set and values, ensuring they are correctly assigned. Confirm the association of the product with the correct website and store view. Also, review any customizations or overrides that might be affecting visibility, and check error logs for any hints. If you have third-party modules, try disabling them temporarily. If all else fails, considering consulting the Magento community for further assistance. I hope these suggestions help you resolve the issue with your product visibility. If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Good luck!