I have given "Magento Certified Developer" exam on 3rd July 2017,and passed the examination , but still i didn't got any certification link in my email or in my magento account, i have also sent mail regarding this query in certification@magento.com but i didn't get any reply from the team,My magento id is :- MAG003666891
Can anyone please guide me for this.
Hi, it can take some time for your magento account to update following passing the certification.
The Magento certification team do not monitor the forums. You have already done what is best which is to email certifications@magento.com. I suggest waiting/chasing them for a response if they don't respond for a while.
Hi @manoj212223, did this issue get sorted for you? It looks like your certification is displaying here, which should mean it's showing on the Certification Directory as well.