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CROSSSLOT Keys issue with Redis 7

CROSSSLOT Keys issue with Redis 7


 I have upgraded the Magento version 2.4.3 to 2.4.7-3. After upgraded the website, I am getting below error:

CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot (context='', command='sinter', original-slot='6566', wrong-slot='701', first-key='zc:ti:011_FPC',  violating-key='zc:ti:011_MAGE')

 My website is hosted on the Azure and I was used the Redis 6 with Magento old version 2.4.3. 

Now with upgraded version 2.4.7-3, I am using the Azure Redis 7 enterprise for managing the cache and session and getting the above error message.

 So can anyone please help me to fix this issue?
