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Extension to Provide Hints to Sellers?

Extension to Provide Hints to Sellers?

Hi Guys

Anyone know of an extension to provide 'field hints' to sellers in the 'seller' view when they login?


I know it is pretty easy to sell something, but my employer (University of Melbourne) wants this thing bullet proofed, so no one gets hung up with listing products to sell.



Re: Extension to Provide Hints to Sellers?

Hello @toddnapavea38b,

Greetings to you!

We are a team of Magento developers and we do provide many useful Magento extensions for eCommerce store owners. We do not have this type of extension for now. But we can help you in building that. We have 20 years of experience in Magento development. 


If you need any help regarding Magento development, feel free to reach out to us. 

Thank you!

Have a nice day :-)