I work for Austin Hardware & Supply, in Buford, GA
I'm the Web Developer for our company's website, the only one that does front-end design.
I started with Magento earlier in the spring of this year. I needed to learn as much as I could because when I started this job, I had not known about Magento and it's our site's main CMS.
I love to go hiking, or play disc golf when I'm not at work or helping out at church.
I'm excited for our integration to Magento 2 starting this Dec/Jan and hopefully will be completed by summer 2020. I'm sure I'll be asking tons of questions during this process because I'm primarily a front-end developer/designer and not used to full scale website dev.
Hi Nic,
Welcome to the forums! It's a great place to ask questions, share experiences, and give feedback. With your upcoming Magento 2 project in mind, you've definitely come to the right place.
Another great resource is https://magento.com/technical-resources
, which includes documentation on much of Magento's standard features and functionality.
Additionally, you can view "known" issues with the Magento 2 platform on Github: https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues
You can learn about the forum guidelines here: https://community.magento.com/t5/News-Announcements/Guidelines-for-Using-the-Magento-Forums/m-p/1519...
...and if you ever get stuck, just ask a question, or reach out to @sherrie who oversees this forum.
Best of luck!
Welcome to forum and Magento community! With this forum another good place to look for a solution is https://magento.stackexchange.com/. Only recommendation/request I have is before posting a question look for the solution on forum or stackexchange.