Hello Magento community! My name is Steven Solomon and I am new to the forum. A little bit about me....by day I work in marketing for a company called Episerver and in the evenings I build websites as a Software Engineer. I hope to contribute in both technical and business conversations to learn more about the Magento technology and collaborate with the community.
Hi @steven_solomon,
Welcome to the community forums.
I you want to contribute the best way to start is to ask and try to help into the forums.
You'll find information on StackExchange too and you can start diving into the http://devdocs.magento.com/ not only for learning but to correct and improve the docs.
Another recomendation could be to be aware of Magento issues on Github: https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues
Also, you should read this post: https://community.magento.com/t5/Welcome-to-the-Magento-Community/Start-here-and-hello-from-me/m-p/5... (in particular the guidelines) and if you are not sure about how to use the forum you can read the FAQ: https://community.magento.com/t5/help/faqpage
Fianlly, you'll need to get your hands dirty with the platform.