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i18n lacks option to collect only frontend phrases

Feature request from kandrejevs, posted on GitHub Jul 05, 2016

We have developed store with 3 languages- sk_SK, hu_HU, cs_CZ. Problem is that i18n:collect-phrases from root collects over 8000 strings including ones from adminhtml. We want only to translate frontend strings and leave backend in en_US locale. This can be achieved by creating csv file for every single module running command only on view/frontend directory. But that is time consuming.

Proposition: Add option to i18n:collect-phrases command, to exclude view/adminhtml directories and xml files that contains translatable strings for backend.

Here I played around a bit and made a small script that scans through app/code, theme and vendor folders, searches for base or frontend directory in view directory, translates it and in the end creates 2 csv files for comparison. in my case only frontend phrases are 770 vs 10 000 all phrases.

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