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Can magento do an developer mode so you can update extensions?

Can magento do an developer mode so you can update extensions?

Hello everybody,

i have read a lot of articles here about web setup wizard problems when the docroot is changed to /pub.


In the devdocs they are clear about it;

"If you’re accustomed to using the Web Setup Wizard during development, be aware that you will not be able to access it when serving files from the pub/ directory."


So my question is can magento develop an developer mode so we still can update or install extensions by web setup wizard even when the docroot is /pub?


Im just an newbie, so please let me know what you think about this.


Re: Can magento do an developer mode so you can update extensions?

Hi @fasja_karamali 


According to Magento Docs there are following mode:

  1. default
  2. developer
  3. production
  4. maintenance

Sp you can switch to developer mode and can do your changes for this you need to run below commands:


php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer

php bin/magento cache:flush

for more detail please follow below Magento Doc:

Magento Modes 


Hope this helps.


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