We are migrating from BigCommerce to Magento 2
In BC, we can create an order for a customer from the Admin panel, and add custom items that are not in Inventory
If there is such as feature for Magento 2, I can't find it. Any ideas?
Hi @DSDScott, as long as they are supported product types (simple, configurable, bundle, etc) you should be able to do this in M2.
Hi @sherrie
I am not quite sure you have understood my question.
I know how to create products, but we need to be able to quickly create a 'product' in the Admin Create (or Edit) order on the fly, like this
So we can add an item to an order that we do not stock, and are never expecting to stock, so we don't need to add to the product catalog
Hi @DSDScott, I missed your response due to travels - but yes, I did understand what you were saying. My advice would be to setup an install and try it out. Because Magento is open source, if the functionality is not out of the box, which I'm told it should be, you can use an extension like the one you mentioned or custom program it.
Scott, im looking for the same solution and just had an idea.... Call me 856-689-7501, Nick