I'm new to Magento I have been using open cart for years
I need to setup so I can offer free shipping by the lower 48 states
and not to Hawaii,Alaska , Puerto Rico could someone help me out
Thank You For your time
Joe Cerami
I know that Web Shop Apps supports this example.
Hi @cerami2
You can check out this extension https://amasty.com/shipping-restrictions.html
It will let you achieve what you need.
I believe you can manage this without extension through a shopping basket price rule, using the following condition :
If ALL of these conditions are TRUE :
Shipping State/Province is not Hawaii
Shipping State/Province is not Alaska
Shipping State/Province is not Puerto Rico
thank you for your help
I have added rules but how do i connect to the rule to free shipping
I am shipping free for the 48 lower states but not to Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico
Thank you
You can create custom shipping methods, rates and restrict them by regions, cities or any cart attribute with our extension
Advanced Shipping Rates http://ecombricks.com/magento-2-advanced-shipping-rates.html
Hopefully, you will find my post helpful.