Sorry for the profoundly stupid question. This is my first time working in Magento - my experience being in enterprise CMS such as Vignette and Interwoven. I cannot see for the life of me the mehcanism by which a page is published within admin console. Typically within the past we have had a preview and production environment and within the CMS console you can build a preview page on a staging environment and then publish ( within the content editors console) and it pushes out to a live environment. If it is built on new navigation you can mark the navigational nodes active and pubish those and the page out.
There is not a single publish button anywhere in my admin console and clearly you want to be able to edit work real time without it being seen live. Presumably if I mark pages as inactive even I wont be able to see them. Guess I should try!
Sorry for the stupid questions I am learning but there are a few things that are completely bamboozling me!
Hi @LouiseA,
Totally understand your pain, but unfortunately Magento is not so great in content management I can suggest checking out this extension though - I never tried it myself but it looks like something you are looking for as it adds a preview button before publishing, plus some other features.
Unfortunately magento CMS is lacking. Typically what someone would do is change it to active and go to the URL to "preview" it and then set it to inactive. Or editing a page like the home page you would first create another cms page path to do the edit and once approved copy it over to the home page cms page.
Awesome thanks, I wasn't going mad, I have just had the luxury of a staging and live environment being set up by in house teams with two separate domains and a content management system that has a preview and publish option as part of the package - so I didn't have to worry about it before
Apparently Mageflow ( is newish (?) and allows you to transfer data between environments so separate environments or stores so it could be possible.
Thanks also for the notes on mageparts and separate content paths - it looks like there are potential workarounds to it at least!