We have a requirement for multi-vendor magento site. We need to develop custom module for this. - Seller can add his own products (simple and configurable) - Seller can sell existing product by adding his own sku, price and quantity. We are planning to make one entry in entity product table and then maintain separate entries for stock and price for each vendor. But then sku is different for each vendor. Should we be creating multiple simple products with vendor as a attribute?
Yes it would be the easieast to create a vendor attribute on product, duplicate the simple product multiple times and assign different vendors to different one.
You can also add it as hidden attribute and aasign vendor to the product automatically using a catalog_product_save_before observer, assuming vendors will create products themself.
Hi That can be easily achived by using webkul magento marketplace module with single product multiple supplier module https://store.webkul.com/Magento-Marketplace-Seller-Price-Comparison.html user guide http://webkul.com/blog/magento-marketplace-seller-price-comparison/
using this module seller can search the product and sku in existing daabase and can list their product as well . thanks