I made one grouped produt and I got to test it. So far it seemed to be all right , but when I clicked on product in shopping cart instead of it returned back to the grouped product it returned back to the simple product. Why? I tested with all visibilities.
The reason for this is because Magento does not add the grouped product itself to the cart. It only adds the child (i.e the simple product). Therefore any links are to the individual products.
Perhaps, I'm not clear enough .... So ... let's simulate what I want to do .. please .. buy any option from this links http://ultimo.infortis-themes.com/demo/default/phone9.html and click in product in shopping cart for you see .... I would like that my site have the same functionality.
Ah yes my apologies. So this is actually out the box Magento functionality which i have just tested myself using a base
So the first place i would now look would be to see if there is a modification to the rendering of the cart items that forces the links to be that of the simple product.