I have a site that allows multiple sellers to come on board and sell their products. The problem is, when a customer purchases from the same store, the customer is charged full shipping for every item they add from the store. I want to shadow what Etsy does for their seller on shipping. Is there an extension out there that allows the seller the ability to vary the price of shipping when a customer buys more than one item from the store? Please let me know.
You can set different shipping rate for types of products by using Shipping Rate Per Product Extension. This extension allows you to define shipping rate depending on quantity.
Key features:
You can see more details at: http://bsscommerce.com/extensions/magento-shipping-rate-per-product.html
I hope it is useful for you!
Hello @MengXyong
Please have a look at this extension - https://amasty.com/shipping-table-rates.html
Its features include: